Wednesday, April 23, 2014

President Frankman

We are always amazed by our children. James and I chuckle as we talk about their accomplishments. They attempt so many endeavors we did not even dare to try as children. Tendoy elementary, our kiddos school holds student body elections. Last year AJ ran for and won V.P. We were of course proud, and happy for him at acheiving his intended goal. Last month though, when AJ announced he was running for President, we were both really surprised. I think the suprise centered around our childhood endeavors, or lack there of. It sparked a fun coversation about our childhoods.  I said, I would have wanted to try out for such a position, but never dared. James said he would have never run,even if someone paid him! None the less AJ ran. The process consisted of campaigning with posters, stickers, handouts, and a speech. He won and has been happily responding around our home to "President Frankman".

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